Thursday, January 18, 2007
posted by Q6 at 11:01 PM
A lot has happened in the last week (and a few things over the last two years) that tell me I should seriously start considering the change I've been avoiding for the last year and a half.

In this district, an Assistant Principal lasts at a site for about five years. This is my sixth at this particular site, and I've seen a lot of changes--naturally, some have been good and some have not. It's not the school I started at, and sometimes it doesn't even look like a school (not from my vantage point, anyway). I don't enjoy the process of looking for another position, let alone adapting to one. I also have to keep in mind the financial aspect of everything; were I to go back to the classroom--which is what I'm dying to do--now (as opposed to . . . *sigh* . . . six years from now, when I'm done with child support payments), my finances would collapse.

Maybe this is a temporary spell and I should tough it out. Maybe it's time to change sites, or even districts. Maybe I should think about something other than education. Maybe I should quit complaining and just deal with it.

Dunno. But I know I'm not professionally happy right now.

*Another movie reference. If you don't get it, try whispering.


At 10:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

I'd like to think that I could retire in this position, but I know that there might come a day when I'm no longer a fit for the community, school or administration. Of course, I'm dug in pretty deep, and considering a change of location would take... I don't know... vampire infestation or something.

You are a rare thing... a truly trustworthy administrator. If you were to leave, I would be sad... but at the same time I know that the job doesn't always let you be the person you want to be. I know how miserable that would make me... and as an agnostic I try to minimize my miserable time... because this lifetime may be all that I'm getting.


At 11:06 AM, Blogger Ms Characterized

NAILED the new layout. Fantastic and appropriate!


At 10:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

I left administration to return to the classroom, and it was financially difficult. Mentally, however, it was the best decision I have ever made. Good luck!